Alignment Made Easy


Golf ball tracking devices such as Trackman have proven that the club face is mostly responsible for the direction in which the golf ball starts, not the swing path. Alignment Made Easy’s patented design will train you how to aim your club face and much more. AME can be set up in various ways to improve your full swing, putting, and short game.

AME is more than just an alignment aid.  The red target line right in front of you will help you feel your club path, teaching you how to hit draws and fades like a pro.  Learning to swing around your center will dramatically improve your contact.  AME’s club face guide will appear to move if your head sways horizontally. Learning to keep your head centered will improve your ball striking, putting, and short game. Works for both left and right handed golfers.

AME Full Swing and Short Game Benefits 

  • See where your club face is aimed
  • See where the target/starting line is
  • See if your head is swaying horizontally in your back swing, helping you stay centered during your swing
  • See and feel which way your club path is traveling to learn how to hit fades, draws, and straight shots

AME Putting Benefits

  • See where your putter face is aimed
  • See if your eyes are directly over the ball, inside of the ball, or outside of the ball
  • See if your eyes are aligned with the starting line
  • See if your head is swaying backward or forward, helping you stay centered when you putt
  • See and feel which way your putting stroke is traveling

AME is lightweight and stores compactly in your golf bag.

Professional golfers are constantly working on their alignment when they practice.  If their alignment is off they will have to alter their swing to make the ball go where they want.  The latest golf technology has proven that the club face, not the club path, is responsible for the direction the golf ball starts.  Setting up with the club face aimed at your starting line is extremely important.  The driver face angle at impact is 85% responsible for the direction the ball starts.  The iron face angle is 75% and a putter face is 90%.  The club path has a small impact on the ball starting direction, but is mostly responsible for the curve of the golf ball. Alignment sticks are a great tool to help align your feet, but they don’t help you see where your club face is aimed.

The first priority is to get your alignment set and then adjust your swing if the ball isn’t going where you want. You don’t want to be adjusting your alignment to get the ball going online. The goal is to develop a consistent process and part of that process is aiming the club face where you want the ball to start. Learning how to aim your club face where you want will drastically improve your consistency and understanding of what your golf shots mean.

When practicing full shots with AME it’s easy to practice knowing you’re aimed right where you want.  Putting the target line right in front of you will train your eyes and brain where the target is.  This will allow you to feel which way the club path needs to travel to hit fades, draws, and straight shots.  You will also learn from the direction the ball starts and the way the ball curves.  As the “new” ball flight laws state, the ball starts where the club face is aimed and curves because of the club path.  To hit a perfect fade the club face would need to be left of the target and the club path would need to travel slightly left of where the club face is aimed.

A key element to hitting accurate shots is having your head stay centered when you swing. The AME club face guide will appear to move if your head shifts left or right during your backswing.

Your short game will also improve for the same reasons as the full swing.  When you practice your short game with AME you will consistently aim your club face where you want the ball to land and keeping your head centered will result in more solid shots around the green.

For professional golfers, putting set up and alignment is extremely important when they practice.  They are constantly checking their club face and eye alignment to make sure they are aimed square to their starting line.  They also check if their eyes are directly over the ball, inside of the ball, or outside of the ball.  Most professionals want their eyes either directly over the ball or slightly inside of the ball.

AME easily converts from a full swing to a putting set up. Practicing your putting with AME will allow you to practice with consistency.  You will see where your putter face is aimed and where your eyes are in relation to the ball. Just like the full swing, the club face guide will appear to move if your head shifts during your stroke.  Keep your head centered and start rolling putts in like the pros.

With so many different set ups you can be sure that Alignment Made Easy will be the most useful tool that you can put in your golf bag. If you’re serious about taking your game to the next level, get your AME today!

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Golf ball tracking devices such as Trackman have proven that the club face is mostly responsible for the direction in which the golf ball starts, not the swing path. Alignment Made Easy’s patented design will train you how to aim your club face and much more. AME can be set up in various ways to improve your full swing, putting, and short game.

AME is more than just an alignment aid.  The red target line right in front of you will help you feel your club path, teaching you how to hit draws and fades like a pro.  Learning to swing around your center will dramatically improve your contact.  AME’s club face guide will appear to move if your head sways horizontally. Learning to keep your head centered will improve your ball striking, putting, and short game. Works for both left and right handed golfers.

AME Full Swing and Short Game Benefits 

  • See where your club face is aimed
  • See where the target/starting line is
  • See if your head is swaying horizontally in your back swing, helping you stay centered during your swing
  • See and feel which way your club path is traveling to learn how to hit fades, draws, and straight shots

AME Putting Benefits

  • See where your putter face is aimed
  • See if your eyes are directly over the ball, inside of the ball, or outside of the ball
  • See if your eyes are aligned with the starting line
  • See if your head is swaying backward or forward, helping you stay centered when you putt
  • See and feel which way your putting stroke is traveling

AME is lightweight and stores compactly in your golf bag.

Professional golfers are constantly working on their alignment when they practice.  If their alignment is off they will have to alter their swing to make the ball go where they want.  The latest golf technology has proven that the club face, not the club path, is responsible for the direction the golf ball starts.  Setting up with the club face aimed at your starting line is extremely important.  The driver face angle at impact is 85% responsible for the direction the ball starts.  The iron face angle is 75% and a putter face is 90%.  The club path has a small impact on the ball starting direction, but is mostly responsible for the curve of the golf ball. Alignment sticks are a great tool to help align your feet, but they don’t help you see where your club face is aimed.

The first priority is to get your alignment set and then adjust your swing if the ball isn’t going where you want. You don’t want to be adjusting your alignment to get the ball going online. The goal is to develop a consistent process and part of that process is aiming the club face where you want the ball to start. Learning how to aim your club face where you want will drastically improve your consistency and understanding of what your golf shots mean.

When practicing full shots with AME it’s easy to practice knowing you’re aimed right where you want.  Putting the target line right in front of you will train your eyes and brain where the target is.  This will allow you to feel which way the club path needs to travel to hit fades, draws, and straight shots.  You will also learn from the direction the ball starts and the way the ball curves.  As the “new” ball flight laws state, the ball starts where the club face is aimed and curves because of the club path.  To hit a perfect fade the club face would need to be left of the target and the club path would need to travel slightly left of where the club face is aimed.

A key element to hitting accurate shots is having your head stay centered when you swing. The AME club face guide will appear to move if your head shifts left or right during your backswing.

Your short game will also improve for the same reasons as the full swing.  When you practice your short game with AME you will consistently aim your club face where you want the ball to land and keeping your head centered will result in more solid shots around the green.

For professional golfers, putting set up and alignment is extremely important when they practice.  They are constantly checking their club face and eye alignment to make sure they are aimed square to their starting line.  They also check if their eyes are directly over the ball, inside of the ball, or outside of the ball.  Most professionals want their eyes either directly over the ball or slightly inside of the ball.

AME easily converts from a full swing to a putting set up. Practicing your putting with AME will allow you to practice with consistency.  You will see where your putter face is aimed and where your eyes are in relation to the ball. Just like the full swing, the club face guide will appear to move if your head shifts during your stroke.  Keep your head centered and start rolling putts in like the pros.

With so many different set ups you can be sure that Alignment Made Easy will be the most useful tool that you can put in your golf bag. If you’re serious about taking your game to the next level, get your AME today!


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Weight 3 kg


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